Climate vulnerability map
The Climate Vulnerability Map is an interactive and comprehensive interface that visually represents the geographical distribution of the Climate Vulnerability Index (CVI) in Barcelona’s municipality. This index, created specifically for this project, is built on the integration and analysis of different indicators that allow to assess energy and climate vulnerability in Barcelona and compare it across different areas of the city. The variables considered include energy consumption, climate data, socio-economic data and building information.
Therefore, the map shows the areas that are most susceptible to the impacts of climate change, providing valuable information for policymakers and planners to make well-informed decisions to improve the city’s climate resilience and adaptation strategies.
More specifically, the map will provide the Barcelona’s municipal housing department with a very detailed diagnosis of the climate-vulnerable areas where to support energy renovation plans. It will be used as evidence to identify those areas and collectives most in need of climate adaptation and climate mitigation support and resources (climate shelters, water sources, green areas…), allowing the development of an Action Plan for Climate Change Adaptation in collaboration with the Climate Change Office of the Barcelona’s municipality.
Databases and repositories
The BIGG Ontology repository is an open source tool that organizes and standardizes data from Barcelona, such as energy consumption, cadastral data and green areas. Developed by CIMNE's BeeGroup, it ensures that the data is coherent and compatible to facilitate its analysis and use in projects such as the Climate Ready Barcelona climate vulnerability map.
The CR BCN Sources Implementation repository groups the harmonized data for Barcelona from the BIGG Ontology, and provides a description of the data type, details the format, the level of aggregation and how it has been transformed to fit the common system. Aquestes dades agrupades alimenten el mapa de vulnerabilitat climàtica i permeten calcular el índex de vulnerabilitat climàtica.